1. Contestants must use the same horse during the competition and reign. Contestants supply their own tack and dependable horse. Your horse must be able to appear in parades and grand entries comfortably. Your tack needs to be clean for each appearance. 2. The winning Contestants will reign from 4/6/24‐4/1/25.
3. Parents, friends and relatives: The SORJA Queen and Court Committee welcomes and encourages the presence of parents, friends and relatives during the competition. It is requested that there is complete cooperation from these supporters during the Pageant activities. At no time during the Pageant shall parents, friends or relatives disturb contestants. During the Pageant, contestants will be required to be together as a group without coaching or other activities taking place. Some of the Pageant activities will only be open to the contestants, judges and Committee. If parents, friends or relatives attend closed events, the contestant they support could be excused from the Pageant.
4. Problems and Complaints: Any problems and/or complaints should be immediately referred to the SOJRA Queen and Court Committee before the day of the Pageant. The SOJRA Committee shall have full authority over the contest and any decision they make regarding rules and participation is final.
5. Sportsmanship: The SOJRA Queen and Court Committee expect each contestant to display the highest degree of sportsmanship during the contest and following crowning. Each contestant should be mindful that they are representing SOJRA and Jackson County and most importantly, themselves. Unsportsmanlike conduct will result in disqualification and affect future eligibility to compete in the SOJRA Fair Queen and Court Pageant.
6. Mandatory Events: The Mandatory Events list is attached. As Queen and Princesses, you are obligated to attend as many events that are on the list as possible. In accepting the crown, you are agreeing that all parades, rodeos and events take priority over other functions that may come up. If an event cannot be attended then the Queen/Princesses shall give the SOJRA Queen and Court Committee at least 36 hours notice prior to the start of the event. We understand that instances will arise when this is not possible. If it is not possible, the SOJRA Queen and Court Committee reserve the right to discuss with the SOJRA Committee and determine if additional action is needed. There will be a MANDATORY ORIENTATION on TBD,2024. at the TBD location, Time TBD
7. Contestants must be willing (upon crowing) to secure through fundraising or sponsorship a $200.00 participation fee. The monies will be those of the Queen and Court, to be used for travel expenses and any wardrobe or accessory needs. The monies shall be held with the Treasurer of the SOJRA and will not be refundable.
8. Contestants, Queen and Princesses must have a positive attitude, clean and pressed clothes, clean and combed hair, etc. Remember, you are representing the SOJRA, Jackson County, and YOURSELF!
9. As a representative of the SOJRA and Jackson County, improper behavior such as smoking, drinking alcohol and holding hands/displaying affection is not acceptable. Such behavior could be grounds for removal of Title.
10. The SOJRA Queen and Court Committee will assist with outfit coordination and selection for Queen and Princess.
11. Queen and Princesses must be willing to participate in any media (social or news/television) interviews or publications that promote the SOJRA and it’s contestants. Queen and Princesses must remember that your media presence reflects that of the SOJRA, YOU and your Title. You will be expected to be ethical, mature and respectful of your sponsors, the SOJRA sponsors and any potential pageant contestants. The SOJRA Queen and Court Committee reserve the right to determine if behavior is outside of the standards set forth in the Court Rule book and the SOJRA rule book.
12. The SOJRA Queen and Princess Title holders will be required to send thank you cards (provided by the SOJRA Queen and Court Committee) to all sponsors of the SOJRA (a Sponsors list will be provided by the SOJRA Committee). Additionally, all Title holders will be responsible for sending thank you cards within 14 days of any events or appearances that were attended.